Contact Kristi Pullen
Have a question about a home or want to talk about selling yours? Or, if you have any other questions or comments, then feel free to e-mail or call using any of the information below. You will get a response as quickly as possible.Kristi PullenRealtor
Phone: 559-825-1121559-825-1121 Direct: 40872857474087285747 E-mail: kristi@justcompany.netJust Company Real Estate
1592 11th St. Suite C1 Reedley, CA 93654 US DRE License #02050513
Kristi Pullen
Just Company Real Estate
Ph: 559-825-1121
1592 11th St. Suite C1
Reedley, CA 93654 US
CA DRE License # 02050513